Did you know that Optimized Building (OB) is characterized by nine key elements that contribute to its optimized nature: 

  • Collaborative Data Environment (CDE): OB relies on a shared digital platform where project stakeholders can collaboratively store, access, and exchange data, fostering effective communication and information sharing. 
  • Build Collaborative Environment (BCE): OB emphasizes a cooperative atmosphere among the project team, including architects, engineers, contractors, and suppliers. Collaboration and teamwork are illustrated by shared Standards Templates and Workflows (STWs), to ensure efficient project delivery. 
  • Modular Buildings built on chassis: OB utilizes a modular construction approach where buildings are constructed using standardized, structural and an electrical IT-Telcom,  distribution chassis. This allows for efficient assembly of modular components, customization options, and streamlined manufacturing processes. 
  • Construction Assembly Modules (CAMs): CAMs are pre-fabricated modules that are produced off-site and then transported to the construction site for assembly. These modules contain various building elements, such as walls, floors, and ceilings, that are ready for installation. 
  • Standards, Templates, & Workflows (STWs): OB promotes the use of standardized processes, templates, and workflows to enhance efficiency and consistency throughout the building lifecycle. This includes standardized design templates, construction methods, and quality control procedures. 
  • Collaboratively Integrated Partner Organizations (CIPOs): OB involves close collaboration and integration among all organizations that comprise the project team including, the material procurement chain, including manufacturers, suppliers, and logistics providers. This integration ensures smooth material flow, timely deliveries, and optimized logistics. 
  • Defined Design Options: OB offers clients a defined range of design options and choices to meet the specific needs and preferences of customers. Modular components can be selected to achieve the desired aesthetic and functional requirements. 
  • Scalable Building Sales: OB enables tscalable sales of buildings where multiple buildings are sold on defined construction start dates. This allows for efficient production, material procurement, and delivery of buildings in various sizes and configurations. 
  • Pre-determined Construction Start Dates: OB emphasizes the importance of project planning and scheduling. Construction start dates are predetermined and synchronized with the manufacturing and delivery of modular components, ensuring a smooth and coordinated construction process. 

What makes Optimized Building optimized is its holistic approach that connects and empowers all stakeholders involved in the project. By leveraging collaborative data environments, standardized processes, modular construction methods, and integrated partnerships, OB achieves enhanced efficiency, cost-effectiveness, quality, and customization. Similar to the automotive industry, OB utilizes standardized chassis and modular components to provide customers with a wide range of design options and streamlined project schedules. This approach optimizes the building process, ensuring faster delivery, reduced costs, improved quality, and greater customer satisfaction. 

Picture from https://blog.se.com/buildings/building-management/2020/10/01/4-ways-smart-building-technology-helps-optimize-operational-efficiency/