Exploring the challenges and opportunities in building.

Introducing BuildUSA,Prototype Initiative and Optimized Building


What’s it all about:

Steve’ Build Blog (SBB) is all about the challenges building faces and the solutions being developed. Overtime SBB will be introducing BuildUSA (BUSA), the Prototype Initiative (PI) and Optimized Building (OB), combined they offer solutions to forward looking, integrated and collaborative, Building Teams.  

Monthly Theme

Throughout 2023, SBB will organize content via a “Monthly Theme”. Building, encompasses an extraordinary amount of topics, and “Monthly Theme is intended to make the content more useful. If you have any suggestion, please reach out and let us know.

April 2023 Monthly Theme:

The Building industry impact on our communities, punches well above its weight. Not only does it drive the economy for building services and building materials, including manufacturing, transportation and distribution networks, but it  has immediate impact on the Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment (FFE) industry that will fill the building and make it operational for the future tenents.

The Building Experience

The Building Experience

This post explores the unique experience that Building provides to all participants My first memory of building is of an apartment complex that was built next to my house when I was 4 years old. I...

DYK- Inflation & The Construction Industry

DYK- Inflation & The Construction Industry

Did you know that as rates of inflation has increased in our economy it has affected our industry and the effects are showing. Essential materials and skilled labor significantly more expensive, but...

DYK- Solar Energy Technologies

DYK- Solar Energy Technologies

Did you know that there are two main types of solar energy technologies: photovoltaics (PV) and concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP)? In Photovoltaics Basics when the sun shines onto a solar...

Back To The Future

Back To The Future

Back to the Future  A brief look backward into Building’s history and an even briefer glimpse into Building’s future A successful building process requires expertise from diverse fields of...

DYK – What Does the US Treasury Do?

DYK – What Does the US Treasury Do?

Did you know The U.S. Treasury manages the nation’s finances, ensuring economic stability through taxation, debt issuance, and government spending? It oversees fiscal policy, determining how tax...

The Fed, Treasury, Monetary Policy and BuildUSA

The Fed, Treasury, Monetary Policy and BuildUSA

This post is the first of a series of posts. The goal is to provide an intuitive understanding of how the economy and its primary institutions the "Fed”, the "Treasury” and the primary commercial...

The Tunnel & Reservoir Plan 

The Tunnel & Reservoir Plan 

Building Futures is about identifying projects, ideas and innovation that will create lasting positive change within the building community and the communities it serves.   This BF reviews...

BuildUSA – Big Data

BuildUSA – Big Data

This post explores the potential of big data in building and the data structure built into BuildUSA’s environment that will support and enhance Big Data’s potential Almost all parties agree that the...

DYK – What makes BuildUSA unique?

DYK – What makes BuildUSA unique?

Did you know BuildUSA distinguishes itself through its comprehensive approach to addressing the systemic challenges in the building industry? Unlike many companies that focus on narrow,...

DYK – What are the primary features of BuildUSA?

DYK – What are the primary features of BuildUSA?

Did you know BuildUSA is focused on transforming the building industry through innovative tools and strategies. Central to its approach is the development of Standards, Templates, and Workflows...

Building Futures – EL Public Transport

Building Futures – EL Public Transport

Building Futures is about identifying projects, ideas and innovation that will create lasting positive change within th eBuilding community and the communities it serves. For many years I have had...

DYK – What are the goals of Steves Build Blog?

DYK – What are the goals of Steves Build Blog?

Did you know Steve’s Build Blog (SBB) serves as an essential resource for professionals in the building industry, offering insights and fostering dialogue on the dynamic and evolving landscape of...

What is BuildUSA all About? 

What is BuildUSA all About? 

This post explores the history and current status of BuildUSA.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...

What is Steve’s Build Blog About? 

What is Steve’s Build Blog About? 

This post explores the purpose of Steve’s Build Blog and the type of content that is developed in pursuit of achieving the stated goals.  Whether we like it or not, the world is changing and it...

The Changing Basis of Design

The Changing Basis of Design

This post explores the basic elements that building professionals assume are readily available and upon which their building designs are based. ...

BuildUSA – The Business Opportunity

BuildUSA – The Business Opportunity

This blog explores the growing business opportunities for BuildUSA, the Prototype Initiative, and Optimized Building -----------------------------------------------------------------------------...

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