Did you know that the engineering and construction (E&C) sector is putting a lot of effort into reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, overall energy consumption, and sustainable development. 39% of the total annual carbon emissions throughout the world are caused by the built environment. Both operational carbon, or the continuous carbon emissions from daily use, and embodied carbon, or all the carbon emitted in the production, transportation, and disposal of building materials, are included in this.

In order to achieve net-zero emissions, E&C enterprises and suppliers are under pressure to reduce the carbon footprint of both new and retrofit construction. More than 90% of US E&C companies receive requests from customers to reduce the amount of embodied carbon used in building projects, according to a poll by Dodge building Network. However, the capital investment needed to make this idea a reality can be significant.

Taking a fresh look at sustainable structures, whether for new construction or retrofitting an existing structure, may assist balance the required investment. Sustainable building can be facilitated by the industry’s trifecta of potential solutions: sustainable materials, sustainable processes, and sustainable models. This study offers various methods and suggestions to assist E&C companies in reducing the carbon footprint of buildings while staying within the parameters of reasonable capital investment.