DYK: Advanced Battery Energy Storage (ABES)
Did you know that ABES stores electrical energy in the form of chemical energy, which is then converted back into electricity when needed? Batteries contain two electrodes (anode and cathode), two terminals composed of different chemicals, and the electrolyte that...
DYK: Flywheel Energy Storage (FES)
Did you know that in 2018, flywheels accounted for 0.058 GW of rated power in the U.S. and have efficiencies between 85-87%. FES systems store electric energy via kinetic energy by spinning a rotor in a frictionless enclosure?.. The rotor is sped up or down to shift...
DYK: How Do you Store Large Scale Energy?
Did you know that PHS and CAES are large-scale technologies capable of discharge times of tens of hours but are geographically limited. Several EES technologies are in research phases, but five storage technology types are considered deployed: Pumped Hydroelectric...
DYK: Delivered Powers Impact on Energy Storage?
Did you know 2.5% of delivered electric power in the U.S. is cycled through a storage facility. For comparison, 10% of delivered power in Europe and 15% of delivered power in Japan are cycled through energy storage facilities.
DYK: More Energy Storage Needed
Did you know as of June 2018, the U.S. had over 25.2 GW of rated power in energy storage compared to 1,082 GW of total in service installed generation capacity. Globally, installed energy storage totaled 175.8 GW.
DYK: Greenhouse Gas Emmissions- Which Energy Source Does It Best?
A geothermal power plant emits roughly 11 times less carbon dioxide (CO2) )per unit electricity that the average U.S. coal power plant.
DYK: Geothermal Energy-What Is It?
Did you know Geothermal energy is derived from the natural heat of the earth. It exists in both high enthalpy (volcanoes, geysers) and low enthalpy forms (heat stored in rocks in the Earth's crust)? Nearly all heating and cooling applications utilize low enthalpy...
DYK: Almost as Efficient as Shaq’s Freethrows
Did you know that PV conversion efficiency is the percentage of incident solar energy that a PV converts to electricity. For production modules, conversion efficiency is 6% to 21%.
DYK: Here Comes the Sun
Did you know on average, 1.05 x 105 terawatts (TW) of solar radiation reach the Earth’s surface, while global electricity demand averages 2.4 TW.
DYK: Driving is a Waste of Time
Did you know that due to congestion in urban areas, an additional 6.9 billion hours of travel time and an extra 3.1 billion gallons of fuel are use by urban Americans in 2014?