by | Oct 15, 2018 | 13-Industry Information, Facts and Knowledge, Challenges Confronting the Industry, Did You Know? (DYK), Funny & Interesting, Industry Impact on Economy, Society and the Environment
Did you know that urban areas comprise only 3.6% of the total land mass of the 48 contiguous states, but 80% of the Americans, live, work and play there.
by | Sep 4, 2018 | 11-Building Performance and Quality, AREAS OF INNOVATION, Building, Construction, & Architecture, Did You Know? (DYK), Funny & Interesting, Industry Impact on Economy, Society and the Environment
Did you know that in the United States approximately 20% of all electrical energy generated is used to heat and cool large institutional building. Can buildings be used as batteries by dumping energy in when renewable sources (wind/solar) are plentiful and then...