DYK: Web2.0 vs Web 3.0

DYK: Web2.0 vs Web 3.0

Did you know that there are different versions of the web? Web 1.0 or the original version of the internet (Netscape) was the primary game in town during the early 2000’s. This was the first iteration of the WWW or the world wide web and it was lifechanging as...
DYK: Not Just a “One Off”

DYK: Not Just a “One Off”

Did you know that the global average value of a construction delay dispute is roughly $54.3 million. Where the average length of these disputes are 13.4 months! Further 9 out of 10 projects experience a cost overrun.
DYK: A Century’s Hidden Gem

DYK: A Century’s Hidden Gem

Did you know that modular construction was actually implemented in the U.S. and is over 100 years old! Modular construction was actually integrated in the 1600’s when English settlers brought well made prebuilt homes over to...
DYK: Soaring in The Clouds

DYK: Soaring in The Clouds

Did you know that the global cloud computing market is expected to reach $623.3 billion by 2023 and according to cloud computing growth stats, the industry will grow at a CAGR of 18%. In 2018, the market size was valued at $272 billion! 90% of all US companies...